Welcome to the Blog Challenge to Fit-Happiness! Each of the bloggers below have taken on the challenge to attend at least three classes per week (excluding pilates) in return for a free monthly pass worth £40. Their objectives vary, and include dropping a dress size, increasing strength and energy, improving muscle tone, sleeping habits, fitness level, diet habits, managing stress levels, and feeling HAPPY. They want YOU to comment please and offer them moral support (just click on their blog, and click on "comments" at the bottom. select "Name URL" as your profile, fill your name in, select "publish post" and complete the word verification – easy and quick!!)
Each of the bloggers has a personal blog. Click on any of the links below to follow their story, remember to add your comments...
Each of the bloggers has a personal blog. Click on any of the links below to follow their story, remember to add your comments...